debra austin portrait

Meet Debra Austin

Dr. Austin teaches Lawyering Process and Professionalism and Well-being Skills for the Effective Lawyer. She received the University of Denver Distinguished Teaching Award in 2019 and the William T. Driscoll Master Educator Award in 2001.

Her book, The Legal Brain: A Lawyer’s Guide to Well-being and Better Job Performance, Cambridge University Press, is an essential guide for legal professionals seeking to understand the impact of chronic stress on their brain and mental health. Drawing on the latest neuroscience and psychology research, the book translates complex scientific concepts into valuable insights and actionable strategies for building resilience, maintaining peak performance, and protecting your most important asset - your brain. 

Dr. Austin is a nationally recognized expert and scholar in lawyer well-being. Her presentations connect well-being to enhanced performance and ethical obligations, offer research-based guidance on how legal professionals can address the recommendations in the ABA National Task Force on Lawyer Well-being Report, and are accredited for general and ethics CLE in multiple states. Her Professional Brain Newsletter provides readers with a weekly nudge designed to help enhance brain health and mental strength. Dr. Austin is a contributing author on the 2017 ABA National Task Force Report on Lawyer Well-being – The Path to Lawyer Well-being: Practical Recommendations for Positive Change.

Dr. Austin received the Civility in Practice Award from the Adams Broomfield Bar Association in 2023.

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